Wednesday, May 23, 2012

An Adventure For Mom and Dad

At the end of 2011, instead of making one New Year's resolution, I made a list. (Oh yes I did.)  This list contained 17 things that I as a mom and a person would like to accomplish in 2012.  Over the past weekend, we completed list item number 11..."Take a vacation WITHOUT the kids".... We still have yet to complete item number 10 (Take a vacation WITH the kids.), but at any rate, we took off our parent hats for a little while. While this vacation only lasted over the weekend, it was all we needed to feel refreshed and ready for whatever else comes our way in 2012.

We drove our boat down to South Padre Island for the weekend with our long-time friends James and Christie.  The vacation started Friday morning, when we boarded the boat and began the 120 mile boat ride down the Laguna Madre to the tip of Texas.  A picture is worth a thousand words, so here is our vacation in a nutshell:
We passed such desolate landscape.  At times it just felt like we were nowhere.   The only thing of note we saw were the numerous pods of dolphins.
Leaving Port Mansfield, we were thrilled to be 2/3rds of the way there!
South of Port Mansfield, the scenery started to change.  The land got greener and the water bluer.   Here is a view of someone's tropical paradise.
A South Padre signature landmark...the causeway.
We docked the boat at the first bar we came to.  After 5.5 hours on the boat, we were ready...
Our happy vessel, docked at the condo where we stayed.
Another South Padre signature landmark.
Day one comes to a close.
A view from our balcony...rise and shine!
We actually walked 27 blocks to cocktails and dinner, only to realize our destination was on the water, and we could have taken the boat!  (Noted for next time.)
Day two comes to a close...
On the four hour boat ride home, we learned the proper way to live and work on a barge.
Oh yeah, where were our sweet Cooper and Penny?  They enjoyed a glorious two and a half days of ultimate spoilage...Ma-Mas and Pa-Pa in charge!

Happy start of Summer!!

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